Being Present with Full Attention
Some would describe listening as an important foundational skill. It’s similar to self-awareness – it doesn’t hold a place in a sequence but is more of an umbrella skill. Deep listening increases proficiency in all the other skills.
Listening skills are not a prerequisite but once developed, they are the icing on the cake of communication. Learning and improving the other relational skills will help you strengthen your listening muscles.
Receptive Listening is the role of the person who is hearing a story being told by another, but it’s more than just hearing that person. A receptive listener is fully present and not only hears but understands the message being expressed.
With Reflective listening, you also seek to understand what the person is trying to express, but you take it to the next level by checking out your perceptions. You reflect back to the speaker what you think you’re hearing to find out if you have it right. Then you listen again as the speaker confirms that you have understood them correctly, or they explain where you got it wrong.
As the listener, you reflect back as needed to check your perception of what’s being communicated. You might reflect back a second, or third time until your understanding is spot on. The key is that you don’t simply parrot back the exact words. You put the message into your own words, then ask if you’ve got it right. The speaker will let you know and you’ll be certain that you understand what the person is expressing.

Elements of Good Listening
Good listening requires focus and commitment.
It is a gift. Offer it with generosity.
Keep an open mind without judgment.
Let the person speak without interruption.
Don’t offer a solution. Just stay present.
Ask questions only to gain understanding.
Tune into what the speaker is feeling.
Reflect on what the speaker is not saying.
Notice body language. It is 55% of communication.

What Gets in the Way of Listening & Hearing
What keeps us from listening well?
Listening is a skill but perhaps it’s better defined as a discipline or practice. It requires our full attention which can be difficult to maintain because it requires emotional and physical energy.
Things that might be obstacles to listening:
The urge to respond – too soon and with our own ideas
Lack of interest – in the person or the topic
Distracting thoughts – our mind is preoccupied
Physical discomfort
The speaker’s body language
The speaker’s physical appearance
Reacting to the first part of the message, then tuning out

The Benefits of Good Listening Skills
Being a skilled listener can help you in a variety of ways both at home and in your profession. In general, your relationships will improve as your listening skills are polished and practiced.
It will improve your relationships
You will be perceived as trustworthy
It will help you be more open-minded
You’ll be better at solving problems
It will help you prevent conflicts
It will help you resolve conflicts that do arise
You will gain a broader perspective
You will improve your attention to detail

Articles That Can Help with Listening Skills
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Assertiveness Skills: the Unsung Hero of Relationships & Life
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Conscious Anger: Understanding the Mystery Emotion
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Aggression & Blame in Organizations: Bullying by Adults
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Why You Need the Rare Skill of an Authentic Apology
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Boundaries for Personal & Business Settings
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